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This is by far, my favorite eBook. As a divorced dad with 50/50 custody, cramming work into limited time was overwhelming. This guide shares strategies like calendar blocking for family, communicating constraints at work, prioritizing quality time over quantity, multitasking at work but being present with kids, delegating, and asking for help to find the critical balance between career and solo parenting.

The biggest challenge is that with the kids living with me 50% of the time, I had to cram all my work tasks into only portions of the week. I had them every other week and changing on Sunday nights. That meant longer hours and trying to play catch up after taking off for my parenting duties. I used to overschedule myself by taking on too much work without factoring in the flexibility needed for family matters. This led me to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and regretful that I didn’t have more quality time with my children.

I’ve learned that being realistic about what can be achieved prevents that resentment. Though my workload was heavy, I blocked off kid time on my calendar as rigorously as I would an appointment. I communicated more openly with the office staff about my situation at home so last-minute child issues didn't derail the work schedule unexpectedly.

Little wins like rearranging my workload to be home for my daughter’s soccer games, or saving dental emergencies for after I’ve helped all three kids with homework made me feel I was better aligning both priorities. Yes, I sacrificed personal time for myself because being available for three teenagers as the only parent is non-negotiable. However, focusing on time utilization and not just volume has made me present in the moments I’m with family. I had to become adept at workplace multitasking but switching gears to be fully immersed when I’m involved in my kids’ lives directly.

Getting the kids to sports practices was the biggest challenge. When my oldest started driving - that was a godsend!

Making this mental shift towards quality over quantity time spent had reduced feelings of stress and inadequacy on both fronts. Learning to compromise by delegating and asking for help also allowed me to find more balance. As a divorced dad juggling career and family life solo, that singular focus made me a better father and leader because I was striving towards self-care while still handling all of my responsibilities. My situation was maybe common, but consciously working each day on that balance made all the difference for both my work and my loved ones. Now they are grown and gone leading productive lives. So, I guess, it was worth it on all fronts. 129 Pages.

Techniques and tips to handle 50/50 co-parenting struggles and keep your sanity and still be the best parent you can be..

How to enjoy the little wins in the co-parenting space.

How to reduce the streee and feeling of inadequancy in taking care of your kids.

Why self-care is so important to the big picture

Allowing yourself to gain traction on the work/life/parenting balance.

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I was able to conquer my time management problem with my 2 kids. Thanks!

Andrew J.
Father of two
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I had a blast writing this eBook. It has a lot of my personal wins and fails that can translate to others seeing the landmines ahead of time. Wish I had these pearls before I went through my co-parenting phase.

David M. Webb


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With forgiveness so difficult in most divorces, this eBook presents a different take of the ever so non-popular word. Getting this one down quickens your ability to move on with your life.   Experience the back end of the one-two punch with forgiveness.  This was my achilles heel and provided me with the most angst in my recovery.  Learn why it is so important following the hate train.  With forgiveness so difficult in most divorces, this eBook presents a different take of the ever so non-popular word. Getting this one down quickens your ability to move on with your life.

  • emotional healing
  • why forgiveness is so important
  • reaching peace and contentment
  • social support
  • emotional exhaustion
  • the negative impact on your kids
  • increased stress and anxiety
  • legal and financial implications
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They say that love is a battlefield, but let's be real for a moment. Divorce? That's a whole other level of warfare. You've been through the emotional trenches, fought your way through the legal minefields, and emerged on the other side, battered and bruised. But hey, congratulations! You made it out alive, and now it's time to start healing. In this no-nonsense guide, aptly titled "It's OK to Hate Your Ex," we'll dive headfirst into the murky waters of post-divorce resentment. Because let's face it, we've all secretly muttered expletives under our breath at some point during this shitshow of a process. So, why "It's OK to Hate Your Ex," you ask? Well, dear reader, we're not here to sugarcoat things or pretend that the end of a relationship is all sunshine, unicorns, and rainbows. No, we're here to acknowledge the raw and unfiltered emotions that come when the person you once loved becomes the object of your disdain. But wait, before you start worrying if this book is just going to be a long rant session, let me assure you that it's so much more. We're not here to wallow in bitterness but to embrace it, examine it, and ultimately find a way to release it. Because, let's be honest, carrying around that baggage isn't doing you any favors. Throughout the pages of this book, you'll find a blend of personal anecdotes, real-world advice, and a sprinkle of humor to guide you on this journey of self-discovery and healing. We'll explore the stages of resentment, from the initial fiery rage to the quieter moments of simmering resentment. You'll discover practical strategies to navigate the emotional rollercoaster and learn to reclaim your own happiness.

  • the poison of hatred
  • protecting the children
  • breaking free
  • reclaiming your peace
  • turning hatred into fuel
  • vicious cycle of hate
  • a necessary emotion to have?
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